Showing 615 Result(s)

American Dream Possible in Bosnia and Herzegovina

2009/2010 ADMISSIONS American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Two diplomas, top-quality education, individual student care and social responsibility guarantee your confidence in American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

H. Res. 171 – US Congress Resolution on Bosnia-Herzegovina

(Download in PDF Format) 111th CONGRESS 1st SESSION H. Res. 171 In the House of Representatives, U. S. May 12, 2009. Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives on the need for constitutional reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the importance of sustained United …

CNAB Condemns Holocaust and Genocide Denial by Bosnian Serb Delegates

Congress of North American Bosniaks condemns Holocaust and genocide denial by Bosnian Serb delegates Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) expresses regret that the initiative in Parliamentary Assembly of BiH to have January 27th declared as Holocaust Remembrance Day and July 11th, as Srebrenica Remembrance …

CNAB’s Open Letter to the Bosniak Community

(Download in PDF Format) The Congress of North American Bosniaks held a Special Assembly in Grand Rapids, Michigan on February 28, 2009. The purpose of the meeting was to resolve organizational and leadership issues arisen from the St. Louis meeting held in May of 2008. …

Saopćenje: Uspostavljena Koordinacija KBSA – Washington

(Skinite u PDF Formatu) SAOPĆTENJE ZA JAVNOST KOORDINACIJE Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike – WASHINGTON 25. aprila 2009. godine u Seattle-u je osnovana Koordinacija KBSA za državu Washington. Ovo je logičan rezultat dugogodišnje želje Bošnjaka iz države Washington da se uključe u aktivan rad i doprinesu …

Sarajevo Remembers 1500 Children Killed During the Siege

Thousands of people on Saturday gathered in Sarajevo for an emotional ceremony to unveil a monument commemorating the children killed during Bosnia’s 1992-95 war. The monument — a tall glass structure surrounded by a brass ring made of melted