Showing 615 Result(s)

Saopcenje za Javnost Koordinacije KBSA Washington

KKBSA-WA je 2. Januara, 2010e, u Burien, država Washington, održala prvu redovnu skupštinu na kojoj je prošireno članstvo Koordinacije i učinjeni značajni koraci u nastavku rada ove organizacije. Na skupštini je prezentiran dosadašnji učinak KBSA na nivou USA i Kanade, rad Koordinacije KBSA u državi …

Bosnia peace deal ‘being broken’

Source: BBC News A row has erupted between Bosnian Serb politicians and the top international official in Bosnia-Hercegovina over the role of foreign judges and prosecutors.

Broken Bosnia needs western attention

By William Hague and Paddy Ashdown The 14th anniversary of the 1995 Dayton Peace Accords passed unnoticed in November. The collapse of a US-EU diplomatic initiative in

“Adieu, Mr. Bildt!” by Hajrudin Somun

(Hajrudin Somun is the former ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Turkey and a lecturer of the history of diplomacy at Philip Noel-Baker International University in Sarajevo.) If there is one foreign dignitary

Judge in Srebrenica Case is Karadzic’s Advisor

From publications in the media it appears that one of the judges involved in the proceedings brought by the Mothers of Srebrenica against the Dutch State and the United Nations is also a member of Radovan Karadzic’