Showing 615 Result(s)

United States warns against Bosnian Serb referendum

AFP (SARAJEVO) — The United States warned Tuesday that a referendum could undermine ethnically-divided Bosnia’s fragile stability as Bosnian Serb lawmakers discussed plans to remove obstacles to a plebiscite.

Buying Remorse for Srebrenica

Serbia is mulling over a resolution expressing remorse for the massacre in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica. This time, EU accession aspirations may prove a big enough incentive to make it happen.

Croatia must defend Bosnia. So should Serbia…

By Marko Attila Hoare EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 1. Thanks to EU and US complacancy in the face of Bosnia’s continuing disintegration, it has been left to Croatia’s president to promise resolute action in defence of this fragile state.

Genocide indictment against three Serbs confirmed

The Court of Bosnia-Herzegovina has confirmed indictment against Duško Jević, Mendeljev Đurić and Goran Marković for genocide. The three Serbs are accused of committing genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica.

US Extradites Srebrenica Genocide Suspect Nedjo Ikonic to Bosnia

The Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) actively participated in pressuring the United States authorities to order Nedjo Ikonic’s deportation for prosecution by a panel of international judges under the jurisdiction of the Court of Bosnia-Herzegovina.