Press Release: Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) condemns and protests against hacker attacks directed towards the on-line portal
Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) condemns and protests against hacker attacks directed towards the on-line portal CNAB is of the opinion that these heinous attacks against the portal are a planned and direct attack against Bosniaks. It is a way to stifle freedom of speech and revelation of the truth about the aggression against Bosnia and genocide that was committed against Bosniaks as a nation, as well as revelation of truth about those who directly and indirectly committed atrocities of said crimes. These attacks against Bosniak-owned media outlets are the equivalent of the attacks against democratic, independent, sovereign state of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its open, free and pluralistic society. These are direct attacks against the legacy of a democratic, civic society and civilization in general.
In addition, we condemn the statement made by the Bosnian Archbishop of the Serb-orthodox Church Nikolaj just around Christmas regarding the editor of the web portal mr. Esad Krcic. Instead of spreading a message of peace for the religious holiday, he is disseminating messages of hate and threats instead, trying to stop Bosniaks from revealing truth.
We are sending a message to the Archbishop Nikolaj in the name of 350,000 American and Canadian Bosniaks, victims of Serbian genocide and aggression, that even though Bosniaks have lost their homes and family members, the time for intimidation is over; the time of silence is over; that Bosniaks will make sure that Serbian genocide against Bosniaks is not forgotten and will be revealed to everyone.
The time of poltroons and Bosniaks’ silence is over. We have the responsibility to our future generation and history to make sure the roles of Serbia and Serbian Orthodox Church in pitting neighbors against neighbors and starting genocide and aggression not only against Bosniaks, but also against Bosnian Croats, and other nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sandzak, and Kosovo. The destruction of Bosniaks is obvious even from the latest political moves of the Serbian government with plans to partition Sandzak into two statistical units.
CNAB supports all pro-Bosniak media outlets that propagate truth about Bosnia and Herzegovina and invites all friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina to support in any possible way media such as on-line magazine Bosnjaci. Net
CNAB Board of Directors