Showing 615 Result(s)

Grad Jacksonville usvojio proklamaciju o Srebrenici

Na inicijativu koordinacije KBSA za Floridu, na čelu sa gospodinom Amirom Makarevićem, grad Jacksonville je 3. Jula. 2012 godine usvojio proklamaciju kojom se obilježava 17 godisnjica genocida u Srebrenici.  Ovo je prvi put da je ovaj grad, u kojem živi hiljade Bošnjaka, usvojio proklamaciju za …

CNAB wishes all Americans a Happy 4th of July!

The Congress of North American Bosniaks  wishes a Happy 4th of July to all Americans, including Bosniak Americans who call the United States their home. On this day, 236 years ago,  the  U.S. founding fathers, inspired by the desire for freedom, justice, and prosperity, signed …

ACTION ALERT – Register to vote in Prijedor

Genocide and other forms of crimes against humanity and international law in the area of ​​Prijedor municipality lasted continuously during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992-1995. The results was 3,173 civilians killed including 102 children, 256 women, and more than 31,000 people  imprisoned …

Victory for Truth and Justice: Michael Parenti’s Lecture Canceled

After several days of appeals by Bosniak institutions, friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and victims of genocide, the San Jose Center for Peace finally canceled genocide denier Michael Parenti’s lecture event . This successful initiative illustrates that every effort and fight for truth and justice …

Deset godina "Bosanskih Zlatnih Ljiljana" u Vermontu

POZIV GRAĐANIMA VERMONTA – POZIV SVIMA ZA PRISUSTVO 10- GODIŠNJICI VERMONTSKIH BOSANSKIH LJILJANA Vermontski folklorni sastav “Bosanski Ljiljani” ove godine obilježava 10 godina aktivnog rada i postojanja. Taj mali jubilej bosanske mladosti obilježiće se prigodnim programom, koji će se održati  19. Maja 2012-te godine ( …

Letter to ArcelorMittal regarding the “Omarska” concentration camp

View Letter in PDF On behalf of the Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina (ACBH), a non for profit organization in Washington D.C. that advocates for a united, multiethnic and democratic Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB), an organization …