Showing 614 Result(s)
CBNA Urges US Officials to Counter Rampant Genocide Denial

CBNA Urges US Officials to Counter Rampant Genocide Denial

The Congress of Bosniaks of North America reached out to government officials in Washington D.C. expressing alarm on behalf of the Bosniak-American community regarding Milorad Dodik once again publicly denying genocide in Srebrenica. We urged decisive action on the part of the United States government …

Predsjednik KBSA Amir Ovčina sa zvaničnicima BiH

Predsjednik KBSA Amir Ovčina sa zvaničnicima BiH

09. februar 2023. godine Predsjednik Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA) Amir Ovčina u posljednja tri dana imao je niz uspješnih sastanaka u Sarajevu sa dužnosnicima izvršne i zakonodavne vlasti u Bosni i Hercegovini, kao i sa Reisu-l-ulemom Islamske zajednice u BiH Huseinom ef. Kavazovićem. Razgovarano je i sa predstavnicima nevladinog sektora sa …

Bojan Vujic, ambassador for Bosnia-Herzegovina or Serbia

Bojan Vujic, ambassador for Bosnia-Herzegovina or Serbia

On November 9, 2022, The Washington Diplomat published an interview with the ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia) to the United States, Bojan Vujic.  In that interview ambassador Vujic made a number of false, divisive, Islamophobic and controversial statements, which blatantly disrespected Bosnia and its …

Sretan Dan Državnosti Bosne i Hercegovine!

Sretan Dan Državnosti Bosne i Hercegovine!

U ime Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA) čestitamo svim građanima Bosne i Hercegovine u domovini i dijaspori 25. novembar – Dan državnosti Bosne i Hercegovine. Pozivamo vas da prigodnim manifestacijama obilježimo naš državni praznik. Građani Bosne i Hercegovine su 25-og novembra, 1943-e godine obnovili temelje …

Čestitka KBSA povodom Dana Sandžaka

Čestitka KBSA povodom Dana Sandžaka

Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike, svojim sunarodnjacima Bošnjacima i svim građanima Sandžaka čestita Dan Sandžaka.  Bošnjaci Sadžaka 20. novembra obilježavaju ovaj važan datum i tako čuvaju sjećanje na zasjedanje Zemaljskog antifašističkog vijeća narodnog oslobodjenja Sandžaka (ZAVNOS) iz 1943. godine kao izraza vlastite antifašisticke orijentacije i tradicije multikulturalnog, …

CBNA meets with senior officials and legislators in Washington D.C.

CBNA meets with senior officials and legislators in Washington D.C.

Our Global Ambassador Dr. Amra Sabic-El-Rayess and Executive Director Selma Porca attended a series of productive meetings in Washington D.C. last week, where they met with senior government officials and legislators.   Dr. Sabic-El-Rayess and Ms. Porca used this opportunity to discuss the following policy …

Sretan Dan Bošnjaka!

Sretan Dan Bošnjaka!

Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike, u povodu važnog i značajnog datuma u historiji Bošnjaka, iskreno upućuje čestitke svim Bošnjacima u Sjevernoj Americi i širom svijeta. U Sarajevu, 1993. godine, na zasijedanju Prvog svebošnjačkog sabora, usvojena je Deklaracija u kojoj su Bošnjaci revitalizirali svoje stvarno, povijesno narodno …

CBNA Reacts to Good Day Sacramento Segment, calls on corrective action

CBNA Reacts to Good Day Sacramento Segment, calls on corrective action

We would like to thank the Bosniak-American community of Sacramento, California, for bringing this issue to our attention. Among others, the below letter has been sent to: Vice President and News Director for CBS News Sacramento, Mary Baynes Chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission, Jessica …

CBNA's Global Ambassador and Executive Director Visit Washington D.C.

CBNA’s Global Ambassador and Executive Director Visit Washington D.C.

Our Global Ambassador Dr. Amra Sabic-El-Rayess and Executive Director Selma Porca visited Washington D.C. earlier this week.  During their visit to Washington D.C., they attended a series of meetings on Capitol Hill with our government officials and legislators. They also reconnected with some old friends …

CBNA calls for US sanctions against Cvijanovic

CBNA calls for US sanctions against Cvijanovic

July 21, 2022 – The Congress of Bosniaks of North America expressed concern to officials in the United States (US) with regards to the arrival of Željka Cvijanović, the President of the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s (Bosnia) entity of Republika Srpska (RS), to the US this …