Showing 626 Result(s)
CBNA Participates in Medzlis 4 Conference, Strengthening Community Activism

CBNA Participates in Medzlis 4 Conference, Strengthening Community Activism

The Congress of Bosniaks of North America (CBNA) proudly participated in the Medzlis 4 Conference over Memorial Day weekend, with Executive Director Selma Porca serving as a guest panelist and speaker. This impactful event brought together Bosniak communities from eight states and eleven communities to …

Condemning Unconstitutional January 9th Celebrations

Condemning Unconstitutional January 9th Celebrations

The Congress of Bosniaks of North America strongly condemns the provocative and unconstitutional celebration of January 9th. The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has ruled several times that celebrating January 9th is unconstitutional. Observing this day as a public holiday not only perpetuates historical …

Bosnia and Herzegovina's Statehood Day

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Statehood Day

Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state, its territory, and its borders have a long historical tradition. The Bosnian state emerged in the late 12th century, and over the next two centuries, its territory expanded in all directions. Bosnia’s King Tvrtko I ruled not only the …

Happy Sandžak Day!

Happy Sandžak Day!

November 20 – The Congress of Bosniaks of North America wishes its Bosniak community and all Sandžak citizens a happy Sandžak Day. On November 20, the Bosniaks of Sandžak mark this important date. In doing so, they preserve the memory of the National Anti-Fascist Council …

A Historic Day for the Bosniak-American Community

A Historic Day for the Bosniak-American Community

Senate Introduces Bill to Establish a National Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day in the United States October 16, 2023 – In remembrance of the Srebrenica Genocide, and the immense human tragedy it represents, the Congress of Bosniaks of North America (“CBNA”) is proud to support the …

CBNA Attended Conference of Bosniak National Councils in Rozaje, Montenegro

CBNA Attended Conference of Bosniak National Councils in Rozaje, Montenegro

Aug 1, 2023 – The Office for the Coordination of Bosniak National Councils, held their 10th annual conference on July 29th, 2023 in Rožaje, Montenegro. The Office encompasses Bosniak Councils from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Council of the Congress of Bosniak Intellectuals (VKBI BIH)), Montenegro (Bosniak …

White Armband Day

White Armband Day

Today, May 31st, the Congress of Bosniaks of North America, along with the wider Bosniak community and countless other organizations, observes White Armband Day, to honor the memory of the victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed in Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina …