Showing 615 Result(s)

Angus Robertson: Lest we forget, Bosnia’s agonies aren’t over

Source: NEARLY two decades have passed since the worst mass murder in Europe after the Holocaust. Last week near Srebrenica in eastern Bosnia 409 bodies were laid to rest. Amongst them was a newborn baby girl who was only days old when she was …

Statement regarding recent attack on Srebrenica mothers in Kravice

On behalf of the surviving victims of the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide against its citizens, who presently reside in North America, we strongly condemn the incident that happened in Kravica just two days after the burial of 409 victims.  The …

Open letter regarding the ICTY scandal

Following the recent concerns expressed in a public letter by the Danish judge Frederik Harhoff about the recent acquittals by the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY), we want to express our deepest concerns about the possible change of course in the ICTY. This …

CNAB requests that Gordan Milinic gets dismissed from duty

SARAJEVO, (FENA) – The Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) and Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IGC) sent an open letter to the Presidency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA BiH), requesting that Gordan Milinic, former ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Russia …

Press release regarding peaceful protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On behalf of Bosniaks in the United States and Canada, we voice our support for the peaceful protests in front of the Parliament in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Without any specific ethnic or party agenda, the Bosnian citizens are sending a clear message that the …

Brian Masse Statement on White Armband Day

Brian Masse is a member of the Canadian Parliament, sponsor of the Resolution of the genocide in Srebrenica, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was adopted in the Canadian Parliament and Vice President of Bosnian Caucus in the Canadian Parliament