Showing 319 Result(s)

CNAB Letter to Judge Lynn Adelman Re Nedjo Ikonic

Honorable Judge Lynn Adelman, Congress of North America Bosniaks (CNAB), an umbrella organization representing American and Canadian Bosniaks, is writing to you as you are considering an application

Neđo Ikonić – Suđenje za Srebrenički Genocid

Poštovani Sudija Adelman: U rukama imate slučaj Neđe Ikonića koji je suočen sa mogućnošću deportacije u BiH da bi tamo odgovarao za optužbe u vezi njegovog navodnog sudjelovanja u ubistvima izvršenim u Srebrenici jula 1995e.  Ova ubistva su od strane Međunarodnog

Srebrenica Genocide Resolution in the European Parliament

The Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) welcomes the decision of the European Parliament to adopt the Resolution about Srebrenica after being urged by the association of “Mothers from the enclaves Srebrenica and Žepa.”

Greater Serbia Myths Block Serbia’s European Integration

Following her participation in a European parliament debate, the president of Serbia’s Helsinki Committee discusses divisions within the Serbian political elite over European integration, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia, international justice and human rights.

Sevdalinka: The echo of our souls, by Ivan Lovrenovic

Like every authentic song, the sevdalinka lives truly only at the moment it is being sung, and lives in the manner it is sung – well or badly. There is something in the singing, in the execution of the sevdalinka that must not be spoiled, …