Showing 166 Result(s)

Pismo Komitetu Nobelove Nagrade za Književnost o Dobrici Ćosiću

The Nobel Foundation Nobel Prize Committee for Literature Stockholm, Sweden Sturegatan 14, Stockholm Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA), Institut za Istraživanje Genocida Kanada (IRGC), i Bosansko-amerčki institut za genocid i obrazovanje (BAGI) u ime žrtava zločina agresije i genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini smatraju da …

Letter to Nobel Prize Committee for Literature Regarding Dobrica Cosic

To the Nobel Prize Committee for Literature Letter of appeal to deny Nobel Prize nomination for Dobrica Cosic The Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB), Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IRGC), and Bosnian-American Institute for Genocide and Education (BAGI), on behalf of victims of …

OTVORENI APEL STOTINU bosanskohercegovačkih intelektualaca za BiH

OTVORENI APEL STOTINU bosanskohercegovačkih intelektualaca – univerzitetskih profesora, naučnika, književnika i umjetnika iz zemlje i dijaspore, za ubrzanu obnovu cjelovite, multietničke, funkcionalne, održive, prosperitetne i europske države jednakopravnih građana i ravnopravnih naroda demokratske Bosne i Hercegovine


Intellectuals from Bosnia and Herzegovina – university professors, scientists, authors and artists, residing both in BiH and abroad for a rapid re-establishment of a unified, multiethnic, functional, sustainable, prosperous and European state, a democratic state with equal rights and status for all its citizens, peoples …

Debating Genocide Deniers Part II/II

By: Daniel Toljaga Institute for the Research of Genocide, Canada Unembarrassed by an obvious lack of familiarity with the subject, this ‘tenured full professor’ of history at the University of Arizona recycles propaganda about the events at Srebrenica that has long been recognized as promoting misunderstanding and …

Debata sa Negatorima Genocida, Dio II / II

Author: Daniel Toljaga Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada  Porijeklo Masakra u Srebrenici U svojoj knjizi, ‘First Do No Harm“, prof Gibbs umanjuje odgovornost bosanskih Srba za ratne zločine, negira genocid i krivi bošnjačke žrtve za podsticanje masakra koji je uslijedio padom Srebrenice u julu 1995. …