Showing 615 Result(s)

Statehood of Bosnia and Herzegovina

On the Occasion of National Statehood Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized by the Institute for the Research of Genocide of Canada under the auspices of the Congress of North American Bosniaks from 26 to 28 November 2010 in Toronto Days of meetings titled:  STATEHOOD …

Eyewitness to serbian war crimes

EYEWITNESS TO SERBIAN WAR CRIMES: SERBIAN PARAMILITARY TROOPS EXECUTED ROMA POPULATION IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Author: Tanjug (editorial comment: Eyewitness, who was age seven at the time of these horrific crimes, testified how he witnessed the rape of his sister and then execution of Roma …

CNAB welcomes Canada’s resolution on Srebrenica genocide

Congress of North American Bosniaks welcomes the Canadian parliament’s resolution {M-416} recognizing Srebrenica genocide and honoring the victims of the worst atrocity in Europe since World War II. The fact that the resolution was voted unanimously by all present members of the parliament means that …

CNAB welcomes Secretary Clinton’s planned Balkans trip

Dear Madam Secretary Clinton, The Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB), an umbrella organization representing the interests of American and Canadian Bosniaks, welcomes the news of your planned visit to the Balkans. It signals to all  that peace and stability in the region are still …

CNAB press release regarding Ilija Jurisic

Congress of North American Bosniaks demands that the Serbian appeals court releases Bosnian citizen Ilija Jurisic, , who was unjustly sentenced to 12 years imprisonment for alleged “improper battlefield conduct” to defend Tuzla from the Yugoslav National Army (JNA) forces in Tuzla in 1992. Mr. …