Showing 6 Result(s)

Victory for Truth and Justice: Michael Parenti’s Lecture Canceled

After several days of appeals by Bosniak institutions, friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and victims of genocide, the San Jose Center for Peace finally canceled genocide denier Michael Parenti’s lecture event . This successful initiative illustrates that every effort and fight for truth and justice …

Osnovan Institut za Prevenciju Genocida

Na inicijativu Koalicije za prevenciju genocida [Georgia Coalition 2 Prevent Genocide] a u saradnji sa Bremen muzejom holokausta i jevrejskog nasljeđa [The Breman Jewish Heritage & Holocaust Museum] u Atlanti je 6.Novembra, 2011 a u sklopu pomenutog Muzeja osnovan Institut za prevenciju genocida [Genocide Prevention …

It’s Time We Started Talking About the Bosnian Genocide

We need to start thinking of the genocide committed in Srebrenica as being to the Bosnian Genocide what the Auschwitz extermination camp was to the Holocaust – one preeminent and visceral example of a much larger genocidal campaign. It’s unfortunate that the solid evidence that has been collected over the past decade and a half proving that genocide took place, the international court rulings that unequivocally state that it did, and the national as well as international resolutions that formally acknowledge that it did are all seemingly ignored by a majority of those charged with informing the American public.

Judge for Mladic case in row over genocide

Peter Cluskey of The Irish Times wrote an article today regarding one of the judges who was assigned to the trial chamber at the ICTY past week in the Ratko Mladic trial for genocide and other war crimes . The article refers to Judge Christoph …