Showing 11 Result(s)
KBSA izražava zadovoljstvo sa novom inicijativom američkog državnog sekretara Pompea

KBSA izražava zadovoljstvo sa novom inicijativom američkog državnog sekretara Pompea

Članovi Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike podržavaju novu inicijativu od strane američkog državnog sekrerata Michael Pompea, iskazanu kroz pismo poslano članovima Predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine. Gospodin Pompeo je pozvao članove Predsjedništva da prihvate godišnji Nacionalni program sačinjen od strane NATO. One je ukazao da bi takav …

Deklaracija o proglašenju 9. januara Danom sjećanja na početak genocida u BiH

Deklaracija o proglašenju 9. januara Danom sjećanja na početak genocida u BiH

Polazeći od jedinstveno iskazane volje žrtava i svijedoka agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocida nad njenim građanima, imajući u vidu da je privremeno okupirani dio države Bosne i Hercegovine genocidni, pravoslavizirani, srbizirani, diskriminatorski, totalizirani, akulturalni, amoralni i svetosavski koncept društva, usvajamo: Deklaraciju o …

Saopćenje KBSA povodom prijedloga izmjena Izbornog zakona od strane HDZ-a BiH

Saopćenje KBSA povodom prijedloga izmjena Izbornog zakona od strane HDZ-a BiH

Povodom otvorenog miješanja i stalnih udara države Hrvatske na suverenitet Bosne i Hercegovine kroz pritisak na međunarodnu zajednicu, a kako bi došlo do izmjene Izbornog zakona po volji HDZ-a BiH, Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike upozorava da je neprihvatljiva bilo kakva izmjena Izbornog zakona BiH, sve …

Lord Ashdown was loyal to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Lord Ashdown was loyal to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Members of the Congress of North American Bosniaks are saddened by the news of the passing of Paddy Ashdown. He will be remembered for his work and commitment to justice and peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a former High Representative, he executed the role …

Protest letter to Governor Perry regarding factually incorrect and insulting resolution language on genocide in Bosnia

Genocide in BiH was the brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing in which one million Bosniaks were displaced and half a million were permanently removed from their ancestral land.

Over 100,000 Bosniak civilians were killed during the 1992-95 war of aggression on BiH. The Bosnian Genocide was characterized by a policy of systematic rape of Bosniak women and girls, horrific and prolonged siege and shelling of Bosniak cities, including Sarajevo, and the starvation and terrorizing of the Bosniak population in the besieged enclaves. The brutal siege on the city of Sarajevo resulted in 10,000 killed, 1,500 of those being innocent children, 56,000 wounded civilians and the destruction of Bosniak culture and history.

Matt Damon: Documentary on Systematic Rape of Bosniak Women & Girls

Author: Daniel Toljaga Throughout long, difficult, strenuous history of the Bosniak people, they were subjected to racist, state-imposed, and often violent denials of their identity, their uniqueness, their culture, and even their language: the Bosnian language; the very language that produced the first printed dictionary …

It’s Time We Started Talking About the Bosnian Genocide

We need to start thinking of the genocide committed in Srebrenica as being to the Bosnian Genocide what the Auschwitz extermination camp was to the Holocaust – one preeminent and visceral example of a much larger genocidal campaign. It’s unfortunate that the solid evidence that has been collected over the past decade and a half proving that genocide took place, the international court rulings that unequivocally state that it did, and the national as well as international resolutions that formally acknowledge that it did are all seemingly ignored by a majority of those charged with informing the American public.