Showing 626 Result(s)

CNAB Letter to the International Criminal Tribunal (ICTY)

Esteemed President: Fausto Pocar; Esteemed Vice President: Kevin Parker; Esteemed Justices: Patick L. Robinson, Carmel A. Aqius, Alphonsus Martinus Maria Orie, Mohamed Shahabbuddeen, Mehmet Guney, Liu Daqun, Andresia Vaz, Theodor Meron, Wolfgang Schomburg, O-Gon Kwon, Jean-Claude Antonetti, Iain Bonomy

U.S. Lobby Groups Determine Fate of Nations, by Haris Alibasic

The survival of most emerging nations depends on the success of that country’s Public Relations campaign in the United States and Europe. Far more important than any military victory, Public Relations battles are not always won or lost with deference to the truth.

CNAB Letter to Miroslav Lajcak, Re Police Reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Mr. Miroslav Lajcak High Representative and EU Special Representative Honorable High Representative Lajcak, I am writing to you on behalf of the Congress of North American Bosniaks which represents more than 350,000 Bosniaks in the United States and Canada. We are gravely concerned about the …