CNAB Letter to Richard C. Holbrook
Richard C. Holbrook Vice Chairman Perseus, LLC 1325 Avenue of the Americas, 25 th New York, NY 10019
Richard C. Holbrook Vice Chairman Perseus, LLC 1325 Avenue of the Americas, 25 th New York, NY 10019
Mr. Jack Quinn, Founder and Co-Chairman, Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC, 1133 Connecticut Avenue NW, Fifth Floor, Washington, DC 20036 Dear Sir:
Esteemed President: Fausto Pocar; Esteemed Vice President: Kevin Parker; Esteemed Justices: Patick L. Robinson, Carmel A. Aqius, Alphonsus Martinus Maria Orie, Mohamed Shahabbuddeen, Mehmet Guney, Liu Daqun, Andresia Vaz, Theodor Meron, Wolfgang Schomburg, O-Gon Kwon, Jean-Claude Antonetti, Iain Bonomy
His Excellence Ambassador John Clint Williamson U.S. Department of State Washington, DC 20520 Esteemed Ambassador Williamson: Reference is politely made to our original letter, dated January 22, 2007.
The survival of most emerging nations depends on the success of that country’s Public Relations campaign in the United States and Europe. Far more important than any military victory, Public Relations battles are not always won or lost with deference to the truth.
Mr. Miroslav Lajcak High Representative and EU Special Representative Honorable High Representative Lajcak, I am writing to you on behalf of the Congress of North American Bosniaks which represents more than 350,000 Bosniaks in the United States and Canada. We are gravely concerned about the …
Honorable Governor Charlie Crist Honorable Commissioner Gerald M. Bailey Honorable Senator Bill Nelson Honorable Senator Mel Martinez Honorable Congressman Vern Buchana
The Congress of North American Bosniaks [CNAB] calls on the state authorities of Bosnia-Herzegovina to remove “BH” lawyers Monika Mijic and Ljiljana Mijovic from their positions at the European Commission for Human Rights. While appointed to represent the rights and interests of all citizens of …
It is disappointing that the Court did not accept the indisputable evidence that Serbia, at a minimum, was an active party to the planned project of genocide. Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) has taken note of the unjust and politically motivated decision of the …
The crime of genocide against Bosniaks was committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period between the beginning of 1992 and the end of 1995. There was a clear intent to destroy the Bosniak people in contravention to the Convention on Prevention and Punishment of …