“Bosnia-Herzegovina and the EU: the Past, the Present, and the Future”
On September 30th, three days before the national elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH), Dutch member of European Parliament Emine Bozkurt will organize a conference in the European Parliament in Brussels about the integration of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the European Union (EU). The initiative is a combined effort of Mladi BiH, an umbrella organization of Bosnian youth in the Netherlands, Platform BiH and Emine Bozkurt as spokesperson on Bosnia-Herzegovina for the Social-Democrats in the European Parliament.
The citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina will go to the ballot boxes on October 3rd to vote for a new government. In the run-up to the national elections, Mladi BiH, Platform BiH and Emine Bozkurt wish to place the EU integration of Bosnia-Herzegovina high on the agenda of the new government. They will discuss this theme with EU and Bosnian officials, NGO’s, activists, citizens and youth. This conference will mark the beginning of the representation of the interests of the Bosnian Diaspora in the EU and will provide a platform for further acquaintance and cooperation between all stakeholders and interested parties.
What will be the European ambitions of the new Bosnian government? What will this mean for the widespread Bosnian Diaspora in the EU? Which role could the Diaspora play with regard to the European perspective of Bosnia-Herzegovina?
These are just a few questions which will be answered during the conference in Brussels, with as special guest speaker Valentin Inzko, the High Representative for the International Community and EU Special Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
We would like to invite you to join the conference. Anyone who wishes to participate can sign in for the conference by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address:
You can register by sending your name, date and place of birth and identity card number or passport number. The registration should be sent before the 22nd of September due to the safety procedures in the European Parliament.
Date conference: 30 September 2010 Time: 15.00 – 17.30 h Location: European Parliament Building JAN 4Q1, Rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat B- 1047 in Brussels