Pomozimo da se Rezolucija o genocidu u Srebrenici i BiH usvoji u kanadskom Parlamentu

Pomozimo da se Rezolucija o genocidu u Srebrenici i BiH usvoji u kanadskom ParlamentuPostovani prijatelji istine i pravde u Kanadi,

U akciji Kongresa Bosnjaka Sjeverne Amerike, Ogranak za Kanudu i “Instituta za istrazivanje zlocina genocida Kanada” koja se vodi zdruzeno sa svim bosnjackim i bosanskohercegovackim organizacijama u Kanadi pod nazivom: “Pomozimo da se Rezolucija o genocidu u Srebrenici i BiH usvoji u kanadskom Parlamentu” do sada je 40 clanova Parlamenta dalo svoj glas za Rezoluciju, za istinu i pravdu. Svakako, to je rezultat veoma aktivnog djelovanja mnogih organizacija i pojedinaca.

Vi koji se jos niste obratili svome lokalnom clanu Parlamenta imate jos sansu da se ukljucite u do sada najvecu i najvazniju akciju kanadskih Bosnjaka.

Ne propustite priliku da i vi budete ucesnik historijskog usvajanja Rezolucije u Parlamentu. Dajte svoj doprinos na taj nacin sto cete odvojiti 2 minute vremena i poslati pismo svome lokalnom clanu Parlamenta. Sve informacije kako to uraditi imate u ovoj email poruci. UO KBSA Ogranak za Kanadu i “Institut za istrazivanje zlocina genocida Kanada” se zahvaljuju svim organizacijama i pojedincima na ucescu u ovoj akciji.

Posjetite i pridruzite se nasoj grupi na Facebook pod nazivom: “HELP MAKE JULY 11TH SREBRENICA REMEMBRANCE DAY IN CANADA”

This is a group specifically created to unite all people lobbying to make July 11th Srebrenica Remembrance day and Bosnia- Herzegovina Tribute Week in Canada.

Over the last few months I’ve been doing everything I could to promote this through e-mails however at times it’s been tough. So I think this is a great way to keep you all up to date and send new information on how you can make a difference. This is a very SERIOUS cause that I passionately believe in and I can’t stress how much support this resolution needs. So I ask all of you who care to invite all your friends and support this resolution.


By joining this group you will be:
1. notified about any new rallies, lobbies press conferences taking place in Canada and around North America.
2. contributing to make this resolution pass in Canadian parliament. (you are the only way this will pass)
3. getting latest updates on the status of this resolution and what politicians in Canada and in the US are doing regarding the Srebrenica Resolution.
4. able to get answers to all of your questions.
Each individual in this world has the power to create a change for the better….this is your chance.
***keep in mind this group is not only open to Bosnian-Canadians but also other Canadians who want to help this resolution pass. US residence are also welcome and can make a change by e-mailing the Canadian parliament and the US senate to push this resolution through. In other words this group is for anyone who strongly believes in making this possible.
We endorse the Help Make July 11th Srebrenica Remebrance Day and Bosnia-Herzegovina Tribute Week Petition to Canadian Parliament

IMPORTANT!!!! PLEASE SIGN ONLINE PETITION, http://www.petitiononline.com/july09/petition.html

To:  Canadian Parliament
To: House of Commons, Canadian Parliament – Members

Requesting House of Commons, Canadian Parliament – Members recognition of 11 July as the day of commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide in Canada.

having regard to U.S. H. Res. 199 on Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina6/22/2005, and U.S.S. Res. 134 on Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina2/11/2005;

having regard to European Parliament resolution of 15 January 2009 on Srebrenica;

having regard that the State of Canada is a member of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council;

having regard that Canadian Bosniaks would like to see Canadian Parliament working together toward recognition of 11 July as the day of commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide in Canada

Whereas in July 1995 the Bosnian town of Srebrenica, which was at that time an isolated enclave proclaimed a Protected Zone by a United Nations Security Council Resolution of 16 April 1993, fell into the hands of the Serbian militias led by General Ratko Mladic and under the direction of the then President of the Republika Srpska, Radovan Karadžic;

Whereas, during the several days of carnage after the fall of Srebrenica, more than 8 000 Bosniak men and boys, who had sought safety in this area under the protection of the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), were summarily executed by Bosnian Serb forces commanded by General Mladic and by paramilitary units, including Serbian irregular police units which had entered Bosnian territory from

Whereas nearly 25 000 women, children and elderly people were forcibly deported, making this event the biggest war crime to take place in Europe since the end of the Second World War;

Whereas this tragedy, declared an act of genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), took place in a UN-proclaimed safe haven, and therefore stands as a symbol of the impotence of the international community to intervene in the conflict and protect the civilian population;

Whereas multiple violations of the Geneva Conventions were perpetrated by Bosnian Serb troops against Srebrenica’s civilian population, including deportations of thousands of women, children and elderly people and the rape of a large number of women;

Whereas there cannot be real peace without justice and whereas full and unrestricted cooperation with the ICTY remains a basic requirement for further continuation of the process of integration into the EU for the countries of the western Balkans;

Whereas the institutionalisation of a day of remembrance is the best means of paying tribute to the victims of the massacres and sending a clear message to future generations;

1. Entirely Canadian Bosniak Community and non-Bosniak supporters of this resolution call on the Canadian Parliament for recognition of 11 July as the day of commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide in Canada.

2. Entire Canadian Bosniak Community and non-Bosniak supporters of this resolution call for further Canadian efforts to bring the remaining fugitives to justice, expresses Canadian full support for the valuable and difficult work of the ICTY and stresses that bringing to justice those responsible for the massacres in and around Srebrenica is an important step towards peace and stability in the region; reiterates in that regard that increased attention needs to be paid to war crimes trials at domestic level.

Procitajte kako kanadski Cetnici pokusavaju sprijeciti usvajanje rezolucije u Parlamentu:

Procitajte sta Glas srpski pise o usvajanju Rezolucije u Parlamentu:


Dajmo svoj doprinos da genocid postane rijec kojom Kanadski Parlament putem Rezolucije naziva politiku agresije u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Dajmo svoj doprinos da Kanadski Parlament putem rezolucije posalje jasnu poruku da zlocin mora biti kaznjen te da ce Kanada nastaviti podrzavati nezavisnost i teritorijalni integritet Bosne i Hercegovine.
Dajmo svoj doprinos da Kanadski parlament putem Rezolucije oda duboku pocast svim zrtvama agresije i genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Dajmo svoj doprinos da Kanadski parlament putem Rezolucije poruci Ujedinjenim nacijama i njenim zemljama clanicam da bi zbog svog neodlucnog i neblagovremenog djelovanja trebale dijeliti odgovornost zbog dopustanja masakra u Srebrenici i genocida u BiH.

Dajmo svoj doprinos da nacionalni interes Kanade bude da sve osobe odgovorne za ratni zlocin, genocid i zlocin proiv covjecnosti snose odgovornost za svoje postupke i budu privedene pred lice pravde.

Pozivamo sve Kanadske Bosnjake, Bosance i Hercegovce i sve prijatelje istine i pravde sirom Kanade, da kontaktirate svoje clanove Kanadskog parlamenta, pozovite ih da podrze Rezoluciju o genocidu u Srebrenici i BiH i tako daju svoj doprinos da Kanada bude upisana u zemlje koje ce podrzati istinu o agresiji na BiH i zlocinu genocida nad Bosnjacima.


Kao sto vam je poznato, gospodin Brian Masse je sponsor Rezolucije o genocidu u Srebrenici i Bosni i Hercegovini u Parlamentu Kanade. Dakle, prvi korak je vec savladan samim njenim uvodjenjem u parlamentarnu proceduru. Drugi korak je rasprava o njenom sadrzaju u Parlamentu. Ovo je ujedno i najkriticnija faza u kojoj je utjecaj protivnickih lobija najprisutniji. Treci korak je glasanje kada se odluka donosi nadpolovicnom vecinom.

Kako bi Rezolucija sigurno bila izglasana, potrebno je osigurati sto vise clanova Parlamenta Kanade koji ce ovu Rezoluciju podrzati i dati svoj glas za njeno usvajane. U svemu ovome, uloga dijaspore u Kanadi je od presudnog znacaja.”

Stoga se ovom prilikom obracamo bosanskohercegovackoj  dijaspori u Kanadi, odnosno svakom pojedincu posebno, da uzme aktivno ucesce u donosenju ove izuzetno vazne rezolucije za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, tako sto ce kontaktirati svog predstavnika u Parlamentu Kanade i traziti od njega/nje da podrze  rezoluciju.

Dolje ispod Vam nudimo Upustvo kako kontaktirati vaseg predstavnika u Parlamentu Kanade.


1.     Saznajte ime vaseg clana Parlamenta, i njenu/njegovu “Constituency Offices” adresu, broj telefona i fax-a kao i njenu/njegovu email adresu koja je ispod zaglavlja “Hill Office”, klikom misa OVDJE: http://webinfo.parl.gc.ca/MembersOfParliament/MainMPsCompleteList.aspx?TimePeriod=Current&Language=E

2.      Napisite pismo vasem clanu Parlamenta trazeci da podrze rezoluciju. Dole ispod je nas uzorak pisma kojeg mozete iskoristiti u cijelosti (copy/paste) ili mozete napisati novo pismo svojim rijecima, vodeci pri tome racuna da sacuvate sustinu poruke.

3.      Posaljite pismo emailom (i tzv. “carbon copy” nama, tj. cc:  CNAB@bosniak.org postom ili faxom vasem clanu Parlamenta na adresu njegovog/njenog “Constituency Office” (za slanje postom ili fax-om).

Sve ovo zahtjeva samo malo truda a od neprocjenjive je koristi za Bosnu i Hercegovinu.


Vazno je ostati ustrajan pa vam s toga preporucujemo da uradite “follow up” telefonom na vase prethodno poslano pismo ili fax, kako biste bili sigurni da je uredno primljeno.

Pismo zahvale ili telefonski poziv vasem predstavniku nakon pristanka na ko-sponzorstvo i podrzavanje ove rezolucije treba da stigne upravo od vas. Time stavljate do znanja koliko vam je, kao njegovom/njenom potencijalnom glasacu, stalo do pitanja vezanih za Bosnu i Hercegovine.

Molimo obavijestite nas, email-om ili telefonom, nakon sto kontaktirate vaseg clana Parlamenta kako bismo mi sa nase strane mogli izvrsiti dodatni “pritisak” na njega/nju. To je najjednostavnije odraditi u slucaju email korespondencije, stavljanjem uvijek cc: CNAB@bosniak.org

Jedna od prakticnih mogucnosti slanja pisma clanu Parlamenta je da se organizujete u vasim lokalnim zajednicama i posaljete jedno grupno pismo sa vasim imenima, potpisima, brojem telefona i adresama stanovanja.

Postoji mogucnost da vam pomogne jedan od nasih strucnih saradnika ako nam se obratite na CNAB@bosniak.org


RE: Co-sponsor Brian Masse motion SREBRENICA REMEMBRANCE DAY

Honourable (puno ime i prezime clana Parlamenta), MP
[ adresa clana Parlamenta – “Constituency Office”  ]

Dear (puno ime i prezime), MP

As your constituent, I would kindly ask you to support  of MP Brian Masse’s motion SREBRENICA REMEMBRANCE DAY.

Being a supporter of this motion will help demonstrate that you deeply care about issues important to your Bosnian-Canadian constituents. There are about 50,000 Bosnian-Canadians, and as you know, many of them live in your riding.

There are many most serious aspects directly implicating, involving, and connecting Canada to the events and issues leading to, and in the aftermath of, Srebrenica and many other atrocities in the war aggression and genocide on the sovereign state and UN Member the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (RBiH) and its People. In asking you to co-sponsor and support this motion, let me stress one aspect which is less known to Canada’s public, and that is international responsibility and privilege from Canada being a member of the UN Security Council’s Chapter VII Executive Governing Body of Bosnia and Herzegovina – the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (SB PIC), sitting together with its closest allies and international partners, US and European Union, which have already adopted similar resolutions (European Parliament resolution of 15 January 2009 on Srebrenica; US S. RES. 134 and H.Res. 199). Further details and thoughts from us, Bosnian-Canadian community can be found at these links:

By passing Mr. Masse’s motion, Canada will benefit in many ways:
– If support, Canada’s international image will be respected as it was in the past;
– If support, Canada will send a clear message to all abusers of power that we will always stand for peace through justice;
– If support, Canada will serve as the model and guidance to other countries to follow its path in acknowledging the genocide of innocent Bosnians; and
– If support, Canada will give hope to those whose hope was taken from them;
 – If support, you are demonstrating that all Parties and Members of Parliament can work together in a non-partisan way on such fundamental issue of our human race.
I trust that I can count on you as a committed supporter of a free, democratic, and sovereign Bosnia and Herzegovina, of the victims and survivors of the genocide and the Canadian-Bosniak community in large (who still face overt and subtle threats and intimidation here in Canada without protection of the local and other authorities).

Thank you very much for your time and urgent attention to this matter.


(Svojerucni potpis)
(Vase puno ime i prezime)
(Vasa puna adresa stanovanja, telefon i, ako imate, email adresa )
cc: CNAB@bosniak.org

Madame, Monsieur,
Nous vous prions de bien vouloir soutenir, et devenir un co-parrain de la motion du député Brian Masse « Jour du Souvenir de Srebrenica »

Être un co-parrain et partisan de la motion vise à démontrer que vous vous sentez profondément concerné sur des questions importantes concernant vos électeurs  Bosno-Canadiens. Il ya environ 50.000 Bosno-Canadiens, et comme vous le savez, beaucoup d’entre eux vivent dans votre circonscription.
Il ya beaucoup d’aspects les plus graves mettant en cause directement, impliquant, et reliant le Canada aux événements qui ont précédé, et au lendemain de, Srebrenica et de nombreuses autres atrocités dans l’agression de guerre et génocide sur l’Etat souverain et membre de l’ONU de la République de Bosnie et Herzégovine (RBiH) et son peuple. En vous demandant de parrainer et de soutenir cette motion, je voudrais souligner un aspect qui est moins connu au peuple canadiens, que c’est une responsabilité internationale et le privilège du Canada étant membre du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU de Chapitre VII exécutif d’administration d’Organe de la Bosnie-Herzégovine – Les dirigeants du Peace Implementation Council (Conseil d’exécution de la Paix), siégeant ensemble, avec ses plus proches alliés et partenaires internationaux, États-Unis et l’Union européenne, qui ont déjà adopté des résolutions semblables (Résolution du Parlement européen du 15 Janvier 2009 sur Srebrenica , US S. RES. 134 et H. Res. 199). De plus amples détails et nos pensées ,de la communauté Bosno-Canadienne se trouvent en suivant ces liens:
  Avec la motion Canada profitera de plusieurs façons: 
– L’image internationale de Canada sera respectée
comme il était dans le passé;
– Le Canada enverra un message clair à tous les abuseurs de pouvoir que nous serons toujours aux côtés de la paix passant par la justice;
– Canada servira de modèle et de mentor aux autres pays à suivre son chemin en reconnaissant le génocide des innocents Bosniaques et
– Canada donnera espoir à ceux dont l’espoir a été enlevé.
– Vous démontrez que toutes les Parties et les membres du Parlement peuvent travailler ensemble dans une manière non partisane sur cette question fondamentale de notre race humaine.
Nous sommes convaincus que nous pouvons compter sur vous comme un fervent défenseur d’une Bosnie et Herzegovine libre, démocratique et souveraine, des victimes et des survivants du génocide et de la communauté canado-bosniaque dont il ya grand nombre au Canada (qui font toujours face aux  menaces subtiles et d’intimidation ici au Canada sans la protection des autorités locales et les autres).
Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre temps et votre attention urgente à ce sujet
Je vous pris de bien vouloir agréer, Madame, Monsieur, mes salutations les plus distinguées.

(Svojerucni potpis)
(Vase puno ime i prezime)
(Vasa puna adresa stanovanja, telefon i, ako imate, email adresa )
cc: CNAB@bosniak.org

Vise informacija mozete dobiti na:

email adresa za informacije: CNAB@bosniak.org

Brian Masse Motion M – 416
M-416 — September 10, 2009 — Mr. Masse (Windsor West) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should declare the day of July 11 as Srebrenica Remembrance Day and the week of July 11 as Bosnia and Herzegovina Tribute Week in memorial of the Srebrenica Massacre of July 1995, in which more than 8,000 Bosniak civilians were executed under the policy of ethnic cleansing, the worst act of genocide in Europe since the Second World War, and 30,000 others were expelled from their homes by Serbian forces.
M-416 — 10 septembre 2009 — M. Masse (Windsor-Ouest) — Que, de l’avis de la Chambre, le gouvernement devrait faire de la journée du 11 juillet la Journée commémorative du massacre de Srebrenica et de la semaine du 11 juillet la Semaine d’hommage à la Bosnie-Herzégovine afin de perpétuer le souvenir du massacre auquel les forces serbes se sont livrées à Srebrenica en juillet 1995 et au cours duquel elles ont exécuté plus de 8 000 civils bosniaques en application de la politique de nettoyage ethnique, le pire acte de génocide commis en Europe depuis la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, et en ont forcé 30 000 autres à abandonner leurs foyers.

Statement from The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, P.C., M.P. Minister of Foreign Affairs
Thank you for your email of May 29, 2009, concerning the Srebrenica massacre in 1995. The Office of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, and the Office of the Honourable Beverley J. Oda, Minister of International Cooperation, as well as the Honourable Peter Milliken, Speaker of the House of Commons, have also forwarded to me your emails on this matter. I have taken note of your suggestion that Canada consider adopting a measure to recognize a Srebrenica Remembrance Day. The House of Commons has now adjourned for the summer recess. Please be assured, however, that when Parliament resumes in the fall there will be an opportunity to give consideration to this important issue. Canada mourns the terrible loss of life and condemns the atrocities committed at Srebrenica. I appreciate you bringing your views on this matter to my attention.

Statement from Liberal Foreign Affairs Critic Bob Rae, MP on the on the 14th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre
On this day, July 11th, 2009, the Liberal Party of Canada remembers and commemorates the terrible events that took place in Srebrenica, Bosnia, during the summer of 1995.
We commemorate the 14th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, and remember the lives lost at the hands of violence and aggression. Now, almost 15 years later, we cannot forget the death and destruction that happened there, and continue to work towards relieving strife and civil war around the world. As the International Court of Justice, United Nations, European Union and United States have all recognized, the acts committed at Srebrenica are a dark time in our world’s history that we must always remember to ensure that history does not repeat itself.  We stand with all those mourning and remembering today.

Statement from Ken Dryden, MP
The events that took place in Srebrenica, Bosnia during the summer of 1995 must never be forgotten.  I will be supporting Mr. Masse’s motion to declare July 11 Srebrenica Remembrance Day and the week of July 11 Bosnia and Herzegovina Tribute Week.

Statement from Chris Charlton, MP
I just wanted to let you know that I have sent a letter to the Clerk of the House of Commons asking that my name be placed as a seconder of Mr. Masse’s motion.

Statement from Jim Karygiannins, MP
I am aware of the campaign which is been done in order to recognize SREBRENICA REMEMBRANCE DAY. I wish to extend to you and the people working on this campaign the best of luck with this endeavour. I will be watching the Motion closely and when and if it makes its way to the House of Commons for a vote I will give it full consideration.

Statement from Hon. Irwin Cotler, MP, P.C., O.C. / C.P., O.C.
Irwin Cotler pledges his support for this motion. 

Statement from Derek Lee, MP
Thank you for your September 14th letter promoting support for Srebrenica Remembrance Day as outlined in Bill C-416.  The Bill also describes a Bosnia-Herzegovina Tribute Week. I support efforts to remember the Srebrenica massacre, whether that remembrance be in Europe, or multinationally and here in Canada.  I am not certain that the Canadian Parliament is the right place to initiate a tribute week for another country but I would be open to consider this if this Bill successfully reaches the Order of Precedence. I commend you for engaging in this human rights initiative, in the memory of those who were killed in this horrible criminal act.

Statement from Libby Davies, MP
Thank you for your letter regarding the motion for Srebrenica Remembrance Day, submitted by my colleague, Brian Masse, MP for Windsor West. I will be supporting the motion and hope we can get it passed.

Statement from Gilles Duceppe, Member of Parliament for Laurier—Sainte-Marie and Leader of the Bloc Quebecois, MP
Your comments have been conveyed to the appropriate members of our research service and to our party’s critic for Foreign Affairs, and the MP for La Pointe-de-I’lle, Mrs. Francine Lalonde, who will give them all the required attention. Please rest assured that the Bloc Quebecois will continue to take responsible approach and act at all times with the greatest respect for Canadian people as well as  in the best interests of Quebec. Once again thank you for sharing your concern with us.

Statement from Marlene Jennings, MP
I acknowledge receipt and thank you for your recent correspondence in which you express your desire to have Canada declare July 11, “Srebrenica Remembrance Day”. I surely understand your views and concerns. Without hesitation, we Liberals have labelled these massacres as genocides because. For racial, ethnic, religious or political reasons, certain countries sought to annihilate these populations in violation of their right to live. Canadians lost family members in these genocides. It is our responsibility to recognize the memory of these victims as well reflects on the senselessness of these sadistic atrocities. Canada must serve as an example to the world that all peoples, regardless of their colour, ethnicity, or religion can live with dignity and respect. Under previous Liberal governments, Canada was able to establish itself as a respected leader in the protection of human rights internationally and let me reassure you that the  Liberal Party of Canada stands committed to protecting humans rights worldwide.   In this spirit, let me reiterate you my support for this initiative to have Canada recognize and declare July 11th, Srebrenica Remembrance Day.

Statement from The Hon. Jean Augustine, former, MP
Enclosed is a statement I made in Parliament today to ensure that the Resolution of the Srebernica genocide is on the table in Parliament.
July 11 is a day that all Canadians will remember. Standing Order 31 in the House where The Hon. Jean Augustine have raised the issue of the Resolution of Srebrenica genocide on the floor of the House. Mr. Speaker, this July 11 will mark the 10th anniversary of the massacre in Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina in which almost 8,000 men and boys were meticulously and methodically separated from their daughters, mothers, sisters and wives and then killed by Serb forces, buried in mass graves and then reinterred in secondary graves to cover up the crimes. Srebrenica fell to invading Serb forces on July 11, 1995, which at the time had been declared a UN “safe area” under the protection of the international community. The Srebrenica massacre was the worst genocidal atrocity in Europe since World War II. The Resolution of the Congress of North American Bosniaks commemorating the 10 year anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide states that the policies of aggression and genocide as implemented by Serb forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992 and 1005 meet the terms defining the crime of genocide in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, created in Paris on December 9, 1948, and entered into force on January 12, 1951. The memory of those atrocities are still very much alive in the minds and hearts of many of my constituents. Srebrenica marked the climax of the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Red Cross estimated that between 8,000 and 10,000 innocent people were either executed or listed as missing. Throughout the three year war, tens of thousands were deprived of the fundamental democratic principles of peace, stability and safety. This July let us remember the individuals who suffered because of hatred and intolerance. Let us assure the Canadian-Bosniak community and all communities that aggression, ethnic cleansing, genocide and all such evils be not repeated and that Canada and Canadians stand ready to uphold democratic principles and the rule of law. I have written to the Honourable Pierre Pettigrew, Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Honourable William Graham, Minister of National Defence and Dr.Senad Patry, Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade requesting their support for Resolution of the Congress of North American Bosniaks regarding the Srebrenica genocide. Canadians are marking this anniversary year from January to December. July 11 is a day that all Canadians will remember.