Na inicijativu Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike, Bošnjaci.net, grupe intelektulaca te Srebrenica Genocide Blog, NTV Hayata, Avaza, Saveza Hrvata Bosne i Hercegovine u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, Udruženja Žena žrtva rata, Udruženja Žena Srebrenice, Majke enklave Srebrenica i Žepa i drugih bosanskih organizacija, medija i na veliki pritisak javnosti, organizatori 11. Kongresa Europske policije sa službene stranice uklonili su ime dr. Darka Trifunovića, što ujedno znači da je izbačen sa svih panela koji su predviđeni u dvodnevnom trajanju Kongresa.
Prošlost nas je naučila da trebamo biti oprezni, da bi bili uvjereni očekujemo od organizatora Kongresa službeni izvještaj o zabrani Trifunoviću da učestvuje na 11. Kongresu Europske policije, zbog negiranja genocida, ismijavanje žrtava genocida i umanjivanje broja stradalih u genocidu, zatim falsificiranje dokumentacije za državljanstvo BiH, višegodišnje podmetanje terorizma Bošnjacima nazivajući ih “belom Al Qaidom”, izjednačavanja Islama sa terorizmom…
Trifunović je proteklih dana davao izjave četničkim medijima da ima “podršku od Europske policije”. Naše je da pitamo čelništvo Europske policije o istinitosti njegovih navoda.
Želimo vam još naglasiti da je Trifunović zbog lažnog pisanja blokiran na nekoliko veoma jakih stranica među kojima je čuvena wikipedia.
13. decembra 2007. godine KBSA je organizatorima 11. Kongresa Evropske policije poslao pismo sa zahtijevom da se dr. Darko Trifunović skine sa liste uvodničara navedenog Kongresa.
15. decembra 2007. KBSA je od dr. Darka Trifunovića dobio pismenu poruku u kojoj se najavljuje tužba protiv KBSA i Emira Ramića predsjednika UO KBSA.
26.12. 2007. godine javio se advokat dr. Darka Trifunovića koji od KBSA tražio pismeno izvinjenje Trifunoviću koje po njemu treba biti objavljeno u svim sredstvima informisanja.
Kao odgovor na to KBSA je pokrenuo potpisivanje pisma od strane intelektualaca. Pismo je potpisalo više od 50 najuglednijih intelektualaca i poslano organizatorima 11. Kongresa Evropske policije u Berlin.
Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike {KBSA} u očekivanju formalnog odgovora od organizatora 11. Kongresa Evropske policije da je izuzeo od učešća dr. DarkaTrifunovića poziva sve bosanskohercegovačke organizacije u matici i dijaspori i sve pojedince, prijatelje istine i pravde o agresiji na Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocidu nad Bošnjacima da sve do zadnjeg dana Kngresa – 30. januara 2008. godine šalju protesno pismo, čiji primjerak donosimo u nastavku.
KBSA ovom akcijom osim upoznavanja javnosti sa kriminalnim negiranjem genocida nad Bošnjacima od strane dr. Darka Trifunovića želi upozoriti Evropu i Svijet da je negiranje genocida nad Bošnjacima, a posebno u Srebrenici kriminalni čin, ravan negiranju holokausta.
KBSA će zato tražiti istragu protiv dr.Darka Trifunovića za njegovo negiranja genocida nad Bošnjacima, izjednačavanje Bošnjaka sa teroristima, falsifikovanje historije, uključujući i falsifikaciju dokumenata za bosanskohercegovačko državljanstvo.
KBSA akcijom slanja pisama organizatorima 11. Kongresa Evropske policije ohrabruje sve prijatelje Bosne i Hercegovine u njihovoj borbi za jedinstvenu, demokratsku i prosperitetnu državu i otvoreno, slobodno, civilno društvo.
Molimo vas, kopirajte pismo sa naše stranice, potpišite i šaljite dalje. Preporučite vašim prijateljima da i oni isto to urade. Akcija slanja pisama trajat će do završetka Kongresa tj. do 30. januara 2008.
European Police Commission, (Organizers):
Dear Sir:
You are undoubtedly aware that the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY) and International Court of Justice, ICJ, have judged that genocide was committed in Srebrenica, in the minimum, and that grave violations of international humanitarian law in Bosnia & Herzegovina. It would be inconsistent with the European Congress of Police objectives to give a platform to one who denies such crimes or is an apologist for those who orchestrated and committed them.
Genocide denial is also a crime in most democratic states, especially those of the Euro-Atlantic family. We fully agree with this policy as it relates to the Holocaust. It deters not only misinformation but future hate crimes and potential genocides. We strongly believe that all genocides so adjudicated by the ICTY, ICJ or similarly empowered international tribunals, are or should be subject to similar protection from denial or distortion.
By his own writings, Mr. Darko Trifunovic has evidenced himself as a genocide denier inconsistent with European legal standards and the ICTY and ICJ rulings.
Mr. Darko Trifunovic is also engaged in hate promotion directed at the Bosniak ethnic group as well as those who may be identified as Muslims by birth or faith. His Islamophoboia is inciting hate and misinformation, but here with the particular dangerous motive of justifying old crimes/genocides and potentially promoting new ones by ultranationalists in Bosnia & Herzegovina from within Serbian extremist ranks and others.
“Identity fraud” or, more specifically, procuring Bosnian & Herzegovinian documents is also on Mr. Trifunovic’s resume. He had procured Bosnian/Herzegovinian travel documents and traveled through many European states with such until his fraud was uncovered and the BiH authorities took away his passport.
As a citizen, (victim of ethnic cleansing), of Bosnia & Herzegovina we urge that you deny a platform to Darko Trifunovic and take concrete measures to sanction genocide deniers and those promoting hate. We also ask your offices to evaluate whether Darko Trifunovic has violated any national/European laws with his deeds and words.
With Respect,
Sing here / Potpisati ovdje
HE, Mr. Franco Frattini,
Vice President,
European Commission
Dear Sir:
As featured and key participant in the European Police Congress in Berlin at the end of this month, we request that you, colleagues and organizers take into consideration the involvement of some, in particular Darko Trifunovic, which brings into question the very purpose of the Conference and the participation of your office. We ask that your office takes appropriate measures to prevent the European Congress from becoming a forum for incitement of hate, denial of genocide and especially by one who has had his Bosnian travel documents and status stripped for reasons of falsifying official travel and other documents, (as we all know a threat to our common security from terrorists and criminals).
You are undoubtedly aware that the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia , ICTY) and International Court of Justice, ICJ, have judged that genocide was committed in Srebrenica, in the minimum, and grave violations of international humanitarian law in Bosnia & Herzegovina . It would be inconsistent with the European Congress of Police objectives to give a platform to one who denies such crimes or is an apologist for those who orchestrated and committed them.
Genocide denial is also a crime in most democratic states, especially those of the Euro-Atlantic family. We fully agree with this policy as it relates to the Holocaust. It deters not only misinformation but future hate crimes and potential genocides. We strongly believe that all genocides so adjudicated by the ICTY, ICJ or similarly empowered international tribunals, are or should be subject to similar protection from denial or distortion.
By his own writings, Mr. Darko Trifunovic has evidenced himself as a genocide denier inconsistent with European legal standards and the ICTY and ICJ rulings.
Mr. Darko Trifunovic is also engaged in hate promotion directed at the Bosniak ethnic group as well as those who may be identified as Muslims by birth or faith. His Islamophoboia is inciting hate and misinformation, but here with the particular dangerous motive of justifying old crimes/genocides and potentially promoting new ones by ultranationalists in Bosnia & Herzegovina from within Serbian extremist ranks and others.
“Identity fraud” or, more specifically, procuring Bosnian & Herzegovinian documents is also on Mr. Trifunovic’s resume. He had procured Bosnian/Herzegovinian travel documents and traveled through many European states with such until his fraud was uncovered and the BiH authorities took away his passport.
As a citizen, (victim of ethnic cleansing), of Bosnia & Herzegovina we urge that you deny a platform to Darko Trifunovic and take concrete measures to sanction genocide deniers and those promoting hate. We also ask your offices to evaluate whether Darko Trifunovic has violated any national/European laws with his deeds and words.
With Respect,
C.C.: HE Brigitte Zypries, Minister of Justice , Germany
Max Peter Ratzel, Executive Director Europol
Name: Kilian Wahl
Phone: +387 (0)33 752 840
Fax: +387 (0)33 752 759
Email: press@eupm.org
Name: Vedrana Dimitrijević
Phone: +387 (0)33 752 767
MobilePhone: +387 (0)65 512 747
Fax: +387 (0)33 752 759
Email: vdimitrijevic@eupm.org
European Commission Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dubrovacka 6
71000, Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: (++387)(0) 33 254-700
Fax: (++387)(0) 33 666-037
E-mail: delegation-bih@ec.europa.eu
Njemačka ambasada u Sarajevu
Odjel za rad s javnošću i medije
Njemačka Ambasada u Sarajevu
Ulica Buka 11-13
71000 Sarajevo
Tel.: + 38 7(33) 270 000
Fax.: +38 7(33) 652 978
email: info@sarajewo.diplo.de
Ambasada Republike ITALIJE
Ambasador Nj. E. gdin Alessandro Fallavollita
Čekaluša 39, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
+ (387 33) 203 959
+ (387 33) 203 960
+ (387 33) 203 961
+ (387 33) 218 021
+ (387 33) 218 022
+ (387 33) 214 879
Fax: + (387 33) 659 368
Pakistanska ambasada u Sarajevu
Islamska Republika PAKISTAN
Emerika Bluma 17, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
+ (387 33) 211 836
+ (387 33) 666 657
Fax: + (387 33) 211 837
Behörden Spiegel-Gruppe 2007
ProPress Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
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Email: verlag@behoerdenspiegel.de
Registergericht: AG Bonn HRB 3815
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Geschäftsführung: Helga Woll
ProPress Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H.
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ProPress Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H.
Berlin Office:
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Dr. Rainer Stinner, presjedavajuci njemacko-bosansko-hercegovacke parlamentarne grupe u njemackom Bundestag-u.a
Email: rainer.stinner@bundestag.de
Fax: 0049- 30 – 227 – 76101
Glavni učesnici:
Franco Fratini, Vice President Franco Frattini, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
B-1049 BRUSSELS, + 32 (0)2 298 75 00, + 32 (0)2 298 85 95
Clemens Binninger, German Parliament, Member of Parliament
Franco Frattini, European Commission, Vice President, Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security
Luc Frieden, Ministry of Justice, Treasury and Budget Luxembourg, The Minister of Justice, Treasury and Budget
Franz Lisson, Siemens, Director International Sales Public Security
Prof. Dr. Holger H. Mey, EADS, Vice President
Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, Federal Ministry of the Interior, The Minister of the Interior Uwe Schünemann, Ministry of the Interior of Niedersachsen, The Minister of the Interior
Dr. Karl von Wogau, MEP, European Parliament, Chairman of the Subcommitee on Security and Defence
Dr. Ingo Wolf, Ministry of the Interior of Nordrhein-Westfalen, The Minister of the Interior
Brigitte Zypries, Federal Ministry of Justice, The Minister of Justice, Germany
Christian David, Minister of the Interior, Romania
Jüri Pihl, Minister of the Interior,Estonia
Grzegorz Schetyna, Deputy PrimeMinister, Minister of the Interior and Administration, Poland
Knut Storberget, Minister of Police, Norway
Dr. Karl von Wogau, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence of the European Parliament
Lieutenant General Hamid Nawaz Khan, Minister of the Interior, Pakistan
Dr.Erhart Körting, Minister of the Interior, Berlin
Info o advokatu koji radi za dr. Trifunovića i za Serbian Unity Congress i za Trifunovica
Darko ima svoju biografiju na nekoliko mjesta. Vjerujem da je i ovu na Wikipediji on pisao. Na njoj je spisak njegovih nedjela najopsirniji: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darko_Trifunovic
BH drzavljanstvo je izgleda dobio na osnovu laznih isprava pa mu je kasnije ponisteno: http://www.bosnjaci.net/search.php?id=339&from=erk_aktuelno. Njegovu verziju slucaja mozes procitati na: http://www.patriotmagazin.com/arhiva/0011/media/013.htm
Najvazniji je svakako onaj izvjestaj o Srebrenici iz 2002. Evo ponovo link:
Reakcije na ovaj izvjestaj kao i odluku OHR-a o smjeni direktora Ureda RS-a za saradnju sa ICTY mozete naci odmah iza ove uvodne stranice. Evo nekih izvoda:
The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, on Tuesday condemned a report issued by the RS Government Coordination Bureau with the ICTY.“Srebrenica was not the only massacre in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995 but it was Europe’s worst massacre since the Second World War,” the High Representative said. “Pretending it didn’t happen is an insult to people of all ethnic groups in BiH. If the accounts given in the media are correct, the report published today is so far from the truth as to be almost not worth dignifying with a response. It is tendentious, preposterous and inflammatory, and I would hope no responsible politician would allow their name to be associated with it, particularly in advance of an election that should be about BiH’s future, not about rewriting its past.” (Dnevni Avaz, front page, p 4, Oslobodjenje, p 5, Jutarnje Novine, p 6, Glas Srpski, p 3, Nezavisne Novine, p 3)
Dnevni List (page 5) carries statement of OHR Spokesperson Mario Brkic on the Republika Srpska Government’s report on Srebrenica that is down-playing the human cost of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre. “This appears to be, as we see it, a callous and irresponsible attempt to misguide voters and exploit the trauma of those who survived or were bereaved by the massacre. (…) History cannot be rewritten in this way”, Brkic said.
“The RS Government and Prime Minister Ivanic should be held fully responsible both by the domestic and international public due to the shameful and unacceptable manipulations with the (war crime) victims, particularly having in mind a fact the report was published as a part of the pre-election campaign and it confirms a persistent sticking to the nationalistic political concept,” the RS Helsinki Committee for Human Rights said in a press release. (Oslobodjenje, p 4) “An obvious intention was to cover up, minimize and justify the crime, and, in a way, to rehabilitate the war criminals,” the President of the Committee, Branko Todorovic, told Dnevni Avaz, p 4)
Zatim ima ovaj rad o “teroristima” u BiH:
Zanimljivo je da ga rado citiraju rasisticki portali i forumi:
Spominje se kao sekretar Instituta za bezbjednosne studije ali ga nema medju nastavnim kadrom kako se predstavlja: http://www.fb.bg.ac.yu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=32&Itemid=269
Evo jednog intervjua s njim: http://www.novinepress.co.yu/vest4.jsp?id=18381§ionId=0
Evo ga I na sajtu koji je poznat po ortodoksnim simpatijama:
Evo sta je izjavio o Kosovu ovih dana:
“Ne samo da je na delu koordinisana akcija SAD i EU, nego i nekih centara u Beogradu. Nije, u stvari, toliko neočekivano ovo što se desilo u Briselu jer nam je poznato da je neko iz Beograda, neko ko je nedavno bio u poseti zapadnim zemljama, preneo svojim domaćinima da nijedan srpski vojnik neće preći granicu sa Kosovom, ako Skupština u Prištini, po svom konstituisanju u februaru, proglasi nezavisnost. Od tog momenta nema ni glasa od Španije, Slovačke ili neke druge zemlje koja je u prethodnim raspravama EU istupala u korist Srbije. Zato država mora hitno, bez odlaganja, da kaže da li je stav koji je taj čovek izneo – stav Beograda. Trenutak je da Beograd pokaže ozbiljnost. Istog momenta kad Priština proglasi nezavisnost, a Riker je ne poništi, i prva država prizna Kosovo, Beograd mora da naredi odlazak tenkova na Kosmet, artiljerijsko granatiranje te pokrajine i njen povratak pod suverenitet Srbije, gde prema Rezoluciji 1244 i pripada – rekao je za Glas dr Darko Trifunović sa Fakulteta za bezbednost, ističući da niko normalan ne želi rat, ali da se država mora braniti.”
On tvrdi da su ga pogresno citirali da nije spominjao granatiranje.
A new Bosnian Serb government report seeks to deny that the Srebrenica massacre took place and to portray Serbs as victims in the Bosnian war, international media reported on 3 September (see “RFE/RL Newsline,” 3 September 2002). The study suggests that exhausted Muslim men imagined a massacre or invented stories to attract the attention of the international community. Reuters quoted the report as saying that “to walk for almost 20 days in an area that might be full of landmines, without any food and water, under the fear of being shot from any direction, was such a trauma that Muslim soldiers sometimes mixed reality with illusions. Having looked at dead bodies under such psychological [pressure], some Muslim soldiers could have believed what they imagined.” The report calls a Serb soldier who admitted taking part in the killings “mentally disturbed.” PM
The new Bosnian Serb government study argues that “the Muslims inflated the number [of deaths] in order to accomplish what they wanted from the very beginning — to involve the international community in the conflict with Serbs,” Reuters reported from Banja Luka on 3 September. The document mentions General Ratko Mladic only in the context of evacuating civilians and asking for the surrender of the town. Bosnian Serb government official Sinisa Djordjevic said that the study aims at promoting “truth and reconciliation.” PM