Showing 14 Result(s)

KBSA poziv na akciju: Pišite vašim senatorima da podrže NATO članstvo za BiH

Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA) želi izraziti svoju punu podrsku  Senatu SAD-a na predloženom zakonu S.2177, (NATO Enhancement Act) koji potiče daljnje proširenje Sjevernoatlantskog saveza (NATO), jačanja i proširenja američkih strateških partnerstava sa NATO saveznicima. Senator Dick Lugar (R-IN), je predložio gore navedeni nacrt zakona. …

Bošnjački Proglas institucija iz BiH, Amerike i Kanade

Na inicijativu Instituta za istraživanje genocida u Kanadi, u saradnji sa Kongresom Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA), Institutom za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava Univerziteta u Sarajevu i Bošnjačkom zajednicom kulture „Preporod“ – Sarajevo, na Akademijama povodom dvadeset godina od nezavisnosti Republike Bosne i …

Nova perspektiva Bošnjaka u Sjevernoj Americi U okviru obilježavanja dvadeset godina od Deklaracije o nezavisnosti Republike Bosne i Hercegovine u Atlanti je osnovan Inicijativni odbor KZB „Preporod” za Sjevernu Ameriku kojeg sačinjavaju: prof. dr. Mirsad Hadžikadić, dr. Mirza Mujadžić, dr. Abdullah Kapić, prof. Emir Ramić, prof. Semir Đulić, dipl. ing. …

Protest letter to Governor Perry regarding factually incorrect and insulting resolution language on genocide in Bosnia

Genocide in BiH was the brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing in which one million Bosniaks were displaced and half a million were permanently removed from their ancestral land.

Over 100,000 Bosniak civilians were killed during the 1992-95 war of aggression on BiH. The Bosnian Genocide was characterized by a policy of systematic rape of Bosniak women and girls, horrific and prolonged siege and shelling of Bosniak cities, including Sarajevo, and the starvation and terrorizing of the Bosniak population in the besieged enclaves. The brutal siege on the city of Sarajevo resulted in 10,000 killed, 1,500 of those being innocent children, 56,000 wounded civilians and the destruction of Bosniak culture and history.

CNAB Press Release Supporting NATO Enhancement Act, S.2177

The Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) wishes to express its full support for the U.S. Senate NATO Enhancement Act, S.2177 which encourages further enlargement of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and deepening of U.S. strategic partnerships with NATO allies. The Act was introduced this week …