Showing 615 Result(s)
Support the Day of White Armbands in the US and Canada

Support the Day of White Armbands in the US and Canada

In the name of American and Canadian Bosniaks in which many come from Prijedor, the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IGC) and the Congress of North American Bosniak (CNAB) seeks your support for the “Day of White Armbands in USA and Canada”. The campaign …

Press Release: Radovan Karadžić verdict

Press Release: Radovan Karadžić verdict

The Congress of North American Bosniaks welcomes the news of an increased sentence and final verdict for the former Bosnian Serb wartime leader Radovan Karadžić in the Appeals Chamber of the International warcrime tribunal in the Hague for his role in genocide and killings of …

The letter regarding new and alarming incidents in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The letter regarding new and alarming incidents in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Regarding new and alarming incidents in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Congress of North American Bosniaks sent letters to US Department of State, European Parliament, and Canadian Government to condemn in strongest possible terms the continuing attempts of Serbia and Croatia, with their satellite apparatus in …

Congratulatory letter to His Excellency Eric Nelson

Congratulatory letter to His Excellency Eric Nelson

The President of the Board of Directors of the Congress of North American Bosniaks sent a letter of congratulations to His Excellency Eric Nelson, stating the following: Dear Honorable Ambassador, On behalf of Bosniak Americans, The Congress of North American Bosniaks would like to extend …

Petition E-1837 - Letter to Canadian ministers

Petition E-1837 – Letter to Canadian ministers

RE: Petition E-1837 – to the Government of Canada to enact legislation prohibiting the denial of the Srebrenica Genocide January 25, 2019. The Right Honourable Justin TrudeauPrime Minister of Canada The Honourable Chrystia FreelandMinister of Foreign Affairs The Honourable David LamettiMinister of Justice and Attorney General …

Lord Ashdown was loyal to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Lord Ashdown was loyal to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Members of the Congress of North American Bosniaks are saddened by the news of the passing of Paddy Ashdown. He will be remembered for his work and commitment to justice and peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a former High Representative, he executed the role …

Terrorist attack against the Jewish community in Pittsburgh

Terrorist attack against the Jewish community in Pittsburgh

Members of Congress of North American Bosniaks are saddened and shocked by the vile terrorist attack against the Jewish community in Pittsburgh and the loss of lives. We condemn any acts if bigotry and hatred aimed at any ethnic or religious group in the United …