Showing 615 Result(s)
New leadership and the launch of new website

New leadership and the launch of new website

Congress of Bosniaks of North America (CBNA) invites the general public to visit, explore, and engage with the recently updated website where one can learn about our new team members, upcoming events, programs, and long-term initiatives.    New Team – The new website features highlights on …

Congratulatory Letter to President-Elect Joe Biden

Congratulatory Letter to President-Elect Joe Biden

Dear Mr. President-Elect Biden: On behalf of the Bosnian and Bosniak-American communities across the United States, please accept our warm congratulations on your 2020 electoral victory and our best wishes for your success in office, as you prepare to accept the great responsibilities and challenges …

PRESS RELEASE: Dodik crossed the red line

PRESS RELEASE: Dodik crossed the red line

Congress of North American Bosniaks condemns the recent destabilizing actions initiated and instigated by the Russian government-sponsored political duo: Aleksandar Vucic and Milorad Dodik. The latest news of the Mayor of Brcko complaining about the Bosnia and Herzegovina national flags in Brcko district is an …

Balkanski krvnik


On January 28, 2020, HarperCollins Publishers released My War Criminal: Personal Encounters with an Architect of Genocide by Jessica Stern – a glorified personal account of Radovan Karadzic and his role as a convicted war criminal in the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Throughout the book, Stern …

The State of Human Rights around the World - Call to action

The State of Human Rights around the World – Call to action

As the year comes to a close, we should spend some time thinking about other human beings around the world whose basic human rights have been violated this past year.  Namely, we must consider daily abuses and suffering inflicted upon Uighur Muslims and their suffering …

The hateful rhetoric by the French president Macron

The hateful rhetoric by the French president Macron

The Congress of North American Bosniaks and the Institute for Research of genocide Canada strongly condemn the hateful rhetoric by the President of France, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron. The words and intents matter and president Macron’s despicable statement against Bosniaks and Bosnia and Herzegovina is …

Congratulatory Letter to the Prime Minister, re-elected Hon. Justin Trudeau

Congratulatory Letter to the Prime Minister, re-elected Hon. Justin Trudeau

On behalf of Canadian Bosniaks, their organizations, and communities the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IGC) and the Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB)  congratulate the Liberal Party of Canada and Hon. Justin Trudeau, son of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, on the …

PRESS RELEASE: Genocide denier Handke gets Nobel prize

PRESS RELEASE: Genocide denier Handke gets Nobel prize

The Congress of North American Bosniaks is shocked by the news that the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Peter Handke, an open genocide denier. The decision by the Nobel Prize committee to award Peter Handke with such a prestigious award is moronic and …

Happy 4th of July, Independence Day!

Happy 4th of July, Independence Day!

The Congress of North American Bosniaks sends greetings to all Americans for the 4th of July, Independence Day. Over two centuries ago, American pioneer visionaries pledged their faith and honor in signing the Declaration of Independence, initiating one of the greatest chapters in the history of …