Showing 615 Result(s)

Happy 4th of July, Independence Day!

On this day, 234 years ago, American visionaries, inspired by the desire for freedom, justice, and prosperity, signed the Declaration of Independence, a document that serves as the single most cherished symbol of liberty in the modern era.

City of Charlotte Proclaims Srebrenica Remembrance Day

City of Charlotte, North Carolina, has honored the victims of the Srebrenica Genocide by proclaiming July 11th as Srebrenica Remembrance Day. The following is a text of the proclamation honoring 8,372 who died and 30,000 Bosniaks that were expelled during the first genocide since the Holocaust …

Recognize genocide for what it is

By: Suzana Vukic The Bosniak community of Canada, with a population of over 50,000, has been lobbying to have July 11 declared as the Srebrenica Remembrance Day in Canada. On June 9, this campaign, known as Bill M-416, was introduced in Parliament.

MP Brian Masse Interview (Radio Canada)

With next month marking the 15th anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide, a Canadian Member of Parliament Brian Masse is courageously lobbying Ottawa to join the international community in recognizing the worst mass killing on European soil since World War II as genocide.

Srebrenica Numbers: DNA Evidence v. Genocide Denial

Author: Daniel Toljaga Just one hour after the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) gave its verdict in the case of ‘Popovic et al.’, the director of the Bosnian Serb (RS) Center for the Research of War Crimes, Janko Velimirovic, chose to misrepresent …