Apel Kanadskom Parlamentu da Usvoji Rezoluciju o Genocidu

Apel Kanadskom Parlamentu da Usvoji Rezoluciju o GenociduMi, članovi Intenacionalnog međunarodnog tima Instituta za Istraživanje Genocida Kanade, pružamo našu punu podršku Rezoluciji M-416 o genocidu u Srebrenici.  U augustu 2009,  član Kanadskog parlamenta gospodin Brian Masse je predstavio Rezoluciju koju uz njega sponzoruje  Bill Siksay  i  Chris Charlton, članovi Kanadskog parlamenta.  Rezolucija ima podršku Liberalne Partije Kanade, Nove Demokratske Partije Kanade, Quebek Parije, Zelene Partije Kanade, Islamskog Kongresa Kanade, Jevrejskog Kongresa Kanade, Instituta za Istraživanje Genocida Kanade, Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike, te mnogih drugih humanitarnih  i organizacija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda u Kanadi i svijetu.
Rezolucijom  M-416 Kanadski parlament i  Vlada obilježavaju petnaestu godišnjicu genocida počinjenog u Srebrenici i Bosni i Hercegovini.  Istim činom oni daju svoju podršku obilježavanju jedanaestog jula kao dana “Spomena na genocid u Srebrenici” u Kanadi.
Potpisnici ovog pisma takođe:
1. Pozdravljaju druge institucije koje su priznale genocid u Srebrenici, prvenstveno Parlament Evropske Unije, i Američki Kongres i Senat.
2. Odaju počast i sjećanje hiljadama nedužnih žrtava čiji su se životi nasilno završili u zločinu genocida počinjenom u Srebrenici u julu 1995, kao i svim drugim žrtvama agresije i genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini.
3. Izražavaju  saučešće porodicama i prijateljima svih onih koji su izgubili živote u Srebrenici u Julu 1995, kao i svih onih koji su izgubili živote u agresiji i genocidu od 1992 do 1995 godine u Bosni i Hercegovini.
4. Podržavaju suverenost, samostalnost i teritorijalni integritet Bosne i Hercegovine, mir i stabilnost u jugoistoćnoj Evropi, i pravo svih građana te regije, bez obzira na nacionalnost ili religijsko opredjeljenje, da se vrate kućama pod štitom pravednog zakona, u društvo određeno na demokratski način.
Mi tražimo da Kanadskog parlamenta i Vlade da podrže Rezoluciju M-416.  Mi zahtjevamo da se rezolucija prihvati u  njenom trenutnom obliku u što kraćem roku.
Mi se nadamo da će Kanada ovim činom podržati dugu tradiciju mirotvorstva i tolerancije.
Sa pažnjom očekujemo vaš odgovor.
Članovi Međunarodnog ekspertnog tima Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada
1. Sir Elie Wiesel, political activist, Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor, USA;
2. M. Cherif Bassiouni, Distinguished Research Professor of Law Emeritus, President Emeritus International Human Rights Law Institute, DePaul University, Chicago Illinois USA; President, International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences, Siracusa, Italy.
3. Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarz-Schilling, former High Representative for the B&H, Germany;
4. Professor Linda Melvern, investigative journalist and author, USA;
5. Mark Hanis, President of the Genocide Intervention Network, USA;
6. Francis Anthony Boyle, PhD, Professor of international law at the University of Illinois, USA;
7. Tilman Zülch, Society for Threatened Peoples International , President, Göttingen, Germany;
8. Greg Stanton, Chair, International Campaign to End Genocide, USA;

9. Carole Hodge, MA, LLM, PhD, Post Genocide Education Foundation, UK;

10. Payam Akhavan, PhD, — Professor of International Law at McGill University in Montreal, a former UN war crimes prosecutor at The Hague and co-founder of the Iran Human Rights Documentation Centre, Canada;
11. Daniel Kofman, PhD, – Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Ottawa, Canada;
12. Safia Soliman, PhD Professor, Gloucester, UK;
13. Florence Hartmann, French journalist and author, France;
14. Esad Durakovic, PhD, Professor, University of Sarajevo and Member Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Department of humanities, B&H;
15. David Pettigrew, PhD, Professor of Philosophy, Southern Connecticut State University, USA;
16. Bakhtyar Aljaf, Director of the International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) in Ljubljana, Slovenia;
17. Zijad Becirovic, M.Sc., Director of the International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) in Ljubljana, Slovenia;
18. Dennis Gratz, Dr. Phil, Lecturer on “Genocide and Genocidal Atrocities in Theory and International Law” at the Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies of the University of Sarajevo (CIPS) – ERMA program;
19. Maja Kasa, Professor, Osijek, Croatia;
20. Patrick McCarthy, Advisor to the current exhibit on genocide in Prijedor and  co-authored a book about the Srebrenica genocide, USA;

21. Marko Attila Hoare, PhD, Kingston University, London – a world renowned British historian of the Former Yugoslavia, UK;
22. Daniel Toljaga, Board of Directors at the  Congress of North American Bosniaks, Vancouver, Canada;
23. Amir Ahmic, Bosniak liaison officer at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia at the Hague, Netherlands;
24. Sakib Softic, PhD, Professor of Law, University of Sarajevo, former B&H agent in the dispute (Bosnia v Serbia) before the ICJ, B&H;
25. Nader Hashemi, Professor of Middle East and Islamic Politics Josef Korbel School of International Studies; University of Denver CO, USA;
26. Sahza Hatibovic Kofman, D.D.S., M.D.Sc., PhD., FRCD(C) Associate Professor & Chair, University of Western Ontario, Canada;
27. Mirza Trokic, PhD, Department of Economics McGill University, Montreal QC Canada; University of Denver CO, USA;
28. Smail Cekic, PhD, Professor of History at the University Sarajevo and head of the Institute for the Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law, B&H;
29. Emir Zlatar, Mr, Director of Television Sarajevo;
30. Zijad Delic, PhD, head of the Islamic Congress Canada;

31. Senadin Lavic, PhD Professor, University, Sarajevo, B&H;
32. Suad Arnautovic, PhD, Professor, University, Sarajevo, B&H;
33. Ibrakovic Dzelal, PhD, Proffesor, University, Sarajevo, B&H;
34. Dzemaludin Latic, PhD, Professor, University Sarajevo, B&H;
35. Sacir Filandra, PhD, Professor, University Sarajevo, B&H;
36. Lejla Panjeta, PhD, Professor, University of Sarajevo, B&H;

37. Alija Suljic, PhD, Professor, University of Tuzla, B&H;
38. Ferid Muhic, PhD, Professor, University of Skopje, Macedonia;
39. Fatmir Alispahic,  Mr. Sci., Tuzla, B&H;
40. Ante Milinovic, Mr. Sci. Zagreb, Croatia;
41. Goran Kapetanovic, Toronto, Canada;
42. Aldina Muslija, University of Toronto, Canada;
43. Zeljko Milicevic, President and Chairman, Justice for Bosnia Task Force, Ottawa
44. Eno Causevic, Hamilton, Canada;
45. Emina Gadzo, University of Toronto, Department of Political Science, Canada;
46. Mersiha Gadzo, University of Toronto, Department of Political Science, Canada.
47.  Mr. Sanja Seferovic Drnovsek, Director of the Bosnian-American Genocide Institute and Education Center
48.  Prof. Emir Ramic, Director of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada