New leadership and the launch of new website

New leadership and the launch of new website

Congress of Bosniaks of North America (CBNA) invites the general public to visit, explore, and engage with the recently updated website where one can learn about our new team members, upcoming events, programs, and long-term initiatives.   

New Team – The new website features highlights on CBNA’s new team. Biographies on the respective team members have been updated and we invite you at this time to learn more about our new team.

Programs – Congress of Bosniaks of North America is pleased to present the Golden Lily Academy, a program established to enrich the active role of Bosniaks in the U.S. and Canada through educational, economic, social, political, and cultural empowerment. Under the umbrella of the Golden Lily Academy, several different programs such as workshops and forums will take place and focus on educating leaders, connecting the community, and facilitating important discussions.

Upcoming Events – The CBNA team is closing out the year by hosting a workshop “How to create ‘policy’, influence politics and drive civic engagement,” which is scheduled for Sunday, December 20, 2020. Kicking off the new year on Sunday, January 102021 the CBNA team is facilitating a reading and Q&A session with Dr. Amra Sabic-El-Rayess where we will discuss her memoir “The Cat I Never Named: A True Story of Love, War, and Survival.” More information on these or future events can be found under Events.   

Congress Bosniaks of North America invites you to subscribe to the newsletter and upcoming events.

Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike predstavlja novo rukovodstvo i novu internet stranicu 

Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA) Vas poziva da redovno posjetite našu internet stranicu gdje možete dobiti više informacija o novom rukovodstvu KBSA, predstojećim događajima, programima te dugoročnim inicijativama.  

Novi tim – U sekciji “About”, predstavljen je naš novi tim (sekcija “Our Team”) gdje imate priliku upoznati novo rukovodstvo KBSA i pogledati biografije čanova tima.  

Programi – Sa zadovoljstvom predstavljamo Akademiju Zlatni ljiljan (Golden Lily Academy), program koji je uspostavljen s ciljem iniciranja aktivnijeg uključivanja Bošnjaka SAD-a i Kanade u društveni život kroz obrazovni, ekonomski, socijalni, drustveno-politički i kulturni angažman. Golden Lily Academy planira organizovati nekoliko različitih programa poput radionica i foruma koji će se fokusirati na edukaciju lidera, povezivanje zajednice kao i iniciranje važnih diskusija.  

Tim KBSA završava 2020. godinu održavanjem radionice “Kako kreirati politiku i podstaći društveni angažman“, koja je zakazana za nedjelju, 20. decembra 2020. godine. Zatim, u nedjelju,10. januara 2021. godine organizujemo i promociju knjige “The Cat I Never Named” dr. Amre Šabić-El-Rayess, gdje ćemo razgovarati o njenim memoarima. Više informacija o ovim i budućim događajima se nalaze u sekciji “Events”.  

Još jednom vas pozivamo da se registrujete za naše e-novine (“Subscribe to our newsletter”) kako bi vas lakše i redovno obavještavali o predstojećim događajima i aktivnostima.