ACTION ALERT: Tell the Simon Wiesenthal Center to Apologize For Genocide Denial

holocaust-and-srebrenica-genocide-denialCALL TO ACTION:

On behalf of Bosniaks in the U.S. and Canada and survivors of the Bosnian genocide, we call to action all friends and people of good will to protest the comments made by Efraim Zuroff in which he is denying the genocide in Srebrenica and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

It is incomprehensible that someone who works for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, an international organization whose mission includes remembrance of the lessons of the Holocaust, would allow themselves to be used by the Serb nationalists to openly deny genocide against Bosniaks during the war from 1992-1995.

Please see below a sample letter that you can send to the Simon Wiesenthal Center so please join us in voicing your opinion to the Center at:


Attn: Rabbi Marvin Hier

Simon Wiesenthal Center
1399 South Roxbury Drive
Los Angeles, California 90035
(800) 900-9036



Founder and Dean

Simon Wiesenthal Center

Museum of Tolerance

Dear Rabbi Hier,

I respectfully ask that your institute apologizes for the hurtful comments made by your activist Efraim Zuroff, and thus distance yourself from extreme Serbian nationalists who are now perpetuating revisionist history based on genocide denial.

It is incomprehensible that someone who works for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, such an important and well respected international organization whose mission includes remembrance of the lessons of the Holocaust, would allow themselves to be used by the Serb nationalists to openly deny genocide against Bosniaks during the war from 1992-1995.

I believe the members of your institute understand the ultimate ramifications of holocaust and genocide denial and hope that you will handle this matter appropriately.


[Your Signature]