City of Grand Rapids, Michigan adopted the proclamation proclaiming July 11, 2009, as Srebrenica Remembrance Day and the week of July 11, 2009, as Bosnia and Herzegovina Tribute Week in the City of Grand Rapids.
Since 2005, City of Grand Rapids’ Mayor George Heartwell supported Srebrenica Rememberance Day and Bosnia and Herzegovina Tribute proclamation. Grand Rapids is home to a large number of Bosnian Americans. Congress of North American Bosniaks is thankful to the City’s elected and
administrative officials support for Bosnian Americans.
From 1992-1995, Serbs from heavily militarized villages around Srebrenica had terrorized Bosniak civilians and constantly attacked neighbouring Bosniak villages. In July 1995 the Bosnian Serbs took control of Srebrenica and committed genocide. In the course of the Srebrenica genocide, approximately 30,000 Bosniaks had been expelled from their home and 8,372 Bosniaks had been summarily executed.