CNAB Letter to the United Nations Security Council Members

United Nations
Security Council
UN Head quarters
First Avenue at 46th Street
New York, NY 10017

Dear Members of the Security Council

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was established by the Security Council Resolution 827 (1993) with the fundamental aims of: bringing to justice the responsible individuals breaching International Humanitarian Law, bringing justice to victims, discouraging further criminal acts, impeding revisionism, and contributing to the reconciliation process in the territories of the Former Yugoslavia. United Nation, Security Council.

The Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) believes that the situation in the territories of Former Yugoslavia remains a threat to the International Peace and Security until all individuals responsible for the committed crimes are brought to justice.

The Security Council Resolutions 1503 (2003) and 1534 (2004) call for the ICTY to undertake all possible measures in order to carry through all investigations by the end of 2004, all trial activities at first instance by the end of 2008, and thereby complete all work by 2010.

The CNAB believes that it is unacceptable for the ICTY to complete all the work while Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic are at large. The Apprehension of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic is a collective responsibility of Serbia, Republic Srpska and the International powers.

Keeping in mind that since the ICTY?s inception till present time, certain countries, entities and organizations directly, in continuity, are opposing or have opposed all Resolutions and Conclusions of the Security Council and thereby precluded the ICTY mandate implementation, and especially the Security Council Resolutions 1503(2003) and 1534 (2004) by means of not apprehending the most responsible individuals for grave breaches of International Humanitarian Law, and keeping in mind that the public majority creates the perception of impunity and therewith allegedly precludes the International Law implementation and, hoping to help the realization of the ICTY Mandate, Resolutions and Conclusions of the Security Council (especially Resolutions 1503 (2003) and 1534 (2004)), the CNAB requests from the Security Council with established procedures to adopt the following:

  • The ICTY will not complete all the work regardless of Resolution 1503 (2003) and 1534 (2004) until Karadzic, Mladic and other indictees are delivered to and prosecuted before the ICTY.
  • The CNAB calls for unconditional fulfilment of all provisions from Resolution 1503 (2003) and 1534 (2004), foremost the apprehension of Karadzic, Mladic and other indictees as to meet the completion strategies of the ICTY.
  • The CNAB calls for countries, entities and organizations requested in the chief prosecutor?s reports for non-cooperation and obstruction, to readily implement all requests and provisions by the ICTY.
  • Keeping in mind Resolutions 1503 (2003) and 1534 (2004) and the ICTY Completion strategies, yet also blockade and obstruction by some countries, entities and organizations, and being in favour of the ICTY completion strategies, before the mandate completion of the chief prosecutor on September 15, 2007, the CNAB now asks for the extension of chief prosecutor?s mandate as to meet the completion strategies of the ICTY in conformity with all UN proclaimed resolutions which are related to the ICTY’s role, importance, goals and mandate.

Emir Ramic

President of the Governing Board
Congress of North American Bosniaks