The second year of the program “New Leaders of Una-Sana Canton” started on May 10th 2022, in the Chamber of Commerce of Una-Sana Canton.
Session 1:

The first session was held on the topic of “Support to the Economy”, and the participants were introduced to the work, organization and projects of the USC Chamber of Commerce and the USC Development Agency. The lecturers were Enes Ružnić, President of the USC Chamber of Commerce and Lorena Felić, Head of the Project Creation and Implementation Department of the USC Development Agency.
The program is organized by the Una-Sana Canton Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Congress of North American Bosniaks and the Naples Florida Chamber of Commerce from the United States.
The program is implemented in cooperation with the following prominent institutions and organizations of Una-Sana Canton: USK Government, City of Bihać, USK Development Agency, Bihać Cultural Center, USK Museum and IDK Studio d.o.o. Bihać.
During the sessions, participants of the program will get acquainted with the organization, operation and functioning of these institutions, and will be introduced to projects and opportunities for cooperation.
The main goal of the program is to establish a strong local network between all participants in the program and to achieve cooperation for the benefit of the whole community.
The next session will be held on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 on the topic of “IT sector” and the company IDK Studio d.o.o. will be presented. Bihać.
Session 2:

The second session of this year’s “New Leaders of Una-Sana Canton” included presentations from the company IDK Studio doo.
IDK Studio doo is a company that offers a wide range of Internet services for large, small and medium enterprises worldwide. They specialize in web design, web programming, mobile development, web hosting, graphic design, web marketing and more.
The director of IDK Studio doo, Dino Kišmić, spoke to the participants about the starting businesses, challenges and successes, and about the current projects the company is working on. Attendees also had the opportunity to get acquainted with the employees of this company, their jobs and the activities they carry out.
The program “New Leaders of Una-Sana Canton” is organized by the Una-Sana Canton Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Congress of Bosniaks of North America and the Naples Florida Chamber of Commerce from the United States.
In four day-long sessions, the participants of the program will get acquainted with the organization, operation and functioning of these institutions, and will be introduced to projects and opportunities for joint cooperation.
The main goal of the program is to establish a strong local network between all participants in the program and to achieve cooperation for the benefit of the whole community.
The next session will be held on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, on the topic of “Culture and Art”, and the Public Institution Cultural Center Bihać and the Public Institution Museum USK will present themselves.
CBNA Director of Homeland Relations visits USC Chamber of Commerce
CBNA’s Director of Homeland Relations visited the USC Chamber of Commerce. On Monday, May 30, 2022, the President of the Chamber, Enes Ružnić, held a working meeting with the Director of Homeland Relations of the Congress of North American Bosniaks, Hasan Kajtezović.
The topics of the meeting were the implementation of the program “New Leaders of Una-Sana Canton”, which is supported by the Congress, and cooperation in other projects and activities. Mr. Kajtezović expressed satisfaction with the current implementation of the New Leaders program, and announced the long-term support of the Congress for the implementation of this program in the USC, but also in other cantons in BiH.
As part of his working visit, he held meetings with the chambers in ZDK and Sarajevo, which are implementing this program with the technical assistance of the USC chamber.
Session 3:
JU Cultural Center Bihać and JU Museum USK hosted the third session of the program New Leaders of Una-Sana Canton.
The presentation at the Bihać Cultural Center was held by the director Erna Begatović. She briefly introduced the participants to the history, organization and projects of this institution with an emphasis on the upcoming cultural event Festival of Performing Arts “Bihać Summer 2022”, which is being organized for the 24th time this year.
Dijana Muminović-Koljić, head of the archeological department, spoke about the institution at the Una-Sana Canton Museum. Attendees received valuable information about the rich history of the museum, valuable museum material, exhibitions and exhibitions, both previous and those in realization. They also had the opportunity to visit current museum exhibits and exhibitions, including the recently opened museum space in the Captain’s Tower.
The program is organized by the Una-Sana Canton Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Congress of North American Bosniaks and the Naples Florida Chamber of Commerce from the United States.
Session 4:
This year’s session cycle of the New Leaders of Una-Sana Canton program is complete.
The participants of the program got acquainted with the work and activities of local and cantonal institutions through presentations of the organization and organization, as well as economic, historical and other features of the Una-Sana Canton and the City of Bihać.
A presentation on the structure and functioning of the Government of Una-Sana Canton was given by Nedžad Kudelić, Advisor to the Prime Minister. In his presentation, he placed special emphasis on programs and projects implemented and planned by the Government and ministries.
In the City of Bihać, a presentation of the potentials and projects of the city, and a discussion with the participants were held by Vildana Zulić, Assistant Mayor and Damir Ruždijić, expert associate.
Today’s session is the last in a series of programs “New Leaders of Una-Sana Canton” organized by the Una-Sana Canton Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with and with the support of the Congress of North American Bosniaks and the Naples Florida Chamber of Commerce.
As the final event of the program, there will be a distribution of certificates of participation to participants, and the occasional gathering of all participants in the program.